My last outing while being stationed in India. We were lucky that it was the right season to visit Satara as the male lizards only show these vibrant colors during mating season. It meant getting up early as it was quite a lengthy drive from Pune. It was also somewhat of a guess as to where we would really be able to see these lizards as it was not 100% clear where to be.
However, as you'll see in the photos below, we found the right spot and it only took 15 minutes of searching before we spotted out first lizards. These were not very colorful, but it was at least an indication we were in the right spot. After some more searching and when it started getting a bit warmer the first displays were seen. The lizards were generally quite approachable (as usual, it requires you to move slowly and remain very quiet) and we managed to get some great photographs of these beautiful animals.

My companion on the trip, Prateek taking some nice photos

Prateek was also friendly enough to grab a photo of myself in action