This excursion focused on Dutch snakes. We were fortunate enough to also find several slow worms to photograph. The excursion was organized by Wildernistrek and it is possible to join them for a tour (when available) using this link.
Viper (Vipera Berus)
One of the main targets for this photography trip, we got lucky to see not only an adult male and female but also a juvenile viper as well.

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Adult femalte viper

Juvenile viper

Juvenile viper

Juvenile viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper

Adult male viper
Grass Snake (Natrix Natrix)
This was the second species I was hoping to see and this snake didn't disappoint! First off, it pretended to be dead (a common tactic in the hope that raptors leave it alone) and after it released we wouldn't try to eat it, it relaxed and posed for us some more.

Slow Worm (Anguis fragilis)
I had not counted on seeing this little lizard while searching for snakes so it was a big bonus to see it!