Kanha is a great national park not only because of the high density of tigers but also for the interesting mammals you might find. We got a great close encounter with a jungle cat (impossible to photograph), but got lucky later as we spotted it again at a watering hole (somewhat further out but well visible).


Golden Jackal

Golden Jackal

Golden Jackal


Jungle Cat at watering hole

Grey Langur
Our trip also didn't disappoint in terms of great bird sightings. The best sighting for me was an encounter with a Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl in the later part of a safari drive.

Indian Peafowl

Indian Peafowl

Indian Peafowl

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl

Jungle Owlet

Jungle Owlet

Greater Racket-Tailed Drongo

Oriental Turtle Dove

Greater Racket-Tailed Drongo

Indian Roller

Indian Roller

Indian Roller

Spot-Bellied Eagle-Owl
Of course no trip to Kanha would be complete without trying to sight some tigers. Fortunately mother nature decided that we were worthy to sight these majestic cats and we got some fantastic close ups, as well as some more scenic views.