If there's one thing you'll see a lot of in any jungle, you can be sure it is bugs. Loads and loads of bugs. And they make for some fantastic photographic subjects!
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
A molting Cicada
A molting Cicada
A molting Cicada
A molting Cicada
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Lantern Bug
Golden Carpenter Ant
Golden Carpenter Ant
Golden Carpenter Ant
Golden Carpenter Ant
Jewel Bug
Jewel Bug
Tiger Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Leaf Mimic Katydid
Leaf Mimic Katydid
Scorpion under ultraviolet light
Scorpion under ultraviolet light
A scorpion in its hide
A scorpion in its hide
Sleeping Bees
Sleeping Bees
Sleeping Bees
Sleeping Bees
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Outside of the many bugs we saw, we also got some great sightings of toads and frogs. The favorite for sure was the Malabar Gliding Frog which was only active at night.
Bi-colored Frog
Bi-colored Frog
Bi-colored Frog
Bi-colored Frog
Bull Frog
Bull Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Dancing Frog
Dancing Frog
Dancing Frog
Dancing Frog
Bi-colored Frog
Bi-colored Frog
Bush Frog
Bush Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Golden Backed Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Malabar Gliding Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Blue-eyed Bush Frog
Dancing Frog
Dancing Frog
The highlight of the trip for sure was the sighting of the Large Eyes Bronzeback. A group had already passed it while heading back to camp, but I caught sight of it in the corner of my eye. It was a fortunate sighting and the Bronzeback was very accommodating so we could get in some great photos before continuing back to camp ourselves.
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Large Eyed Bronzeback
Green Vine Snake
Green Vine Snake
Green Vine Snake
Green Vine Snake
Outside of photographing many invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians I also managed to get a single shot of the Asian fairy-bluebird which was flying around camp.
Asian fairy-bluebird
Asian fairy-bluebird

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