Another year and another trip to one of my favorite hides from Glenn Vermeersch. I'd planned the trip a little later this time and missed the wild flowers flowering, but got extremely lucky to get multiple sighting of the Eurasian Wryneck. What a stunning bird! No luck with the Goldfinches yet, but we keep trying...
You can book these hides for yourself if you're interested. Click on the link below to visit Glenn Vermeersch's site with booking information.

Common Chiffchaff

Common Grasshopper Warbler

Great Tit

Red Deer

Eurasian Wryneck

Common Blackbird


Common Wood Pigeon

Song Thrush taking a bath


Eurasian Jay



European Robin

Common Grasshopper Warbler

Eurasian Wryneck

Eurasian Wryneck getting badgered by an escaped Budgerigar (parakeet)

Budgerigar (parakeet)

Great Tit

Eurasian Wryneck

Eurasian Wryneck

Eurasian Wryneck

Eurasian Wryneck

Budgerigar (parakeet)


Eurasian Reed Warbler



Eurasian Wryneck

Eurasian Wryneck